Data And Computational Science Series - Machine Actionable Data Management Plans And The Dmptool (Workshop - Professional Development) #164826

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Over the past several years, the California Digital Library has been working (in collaboration with many international partners) to convert data management plans (DMPs), which are currently static text documents submitted with a grant proposal, into a machine-actionable hub of information about a research project that can be updated and queried by various stakeholders over the lifetime of the project. The expected benefits of machine-actionable DMPs for primary stakeholders in the data management ecosystem include enabling:

1. Institutions (e.g., academic libraries and their parent research universities) to provide practical, evidence-based data services;

2. Funders (e.g., NSF) to monitor the data-related activities associated with individual grants;

3. Infrastructure providers (e.g., data repositories) to plan their resources; and

4. Researchers manage, share, and discover data more efficiently.

The DMPTool from the California Digital Library has many new features to help researchers create machine-actionable DMPs for most federal funders. In this presentation, Maria Praetzellis of the University of California Office of the President will introduce these new machine-actionable feature set from the DMPTool.


Course Details

Tuesday, August 31, 2021
From 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM
This session will be presented virtually.


Maria Praetzellis is Product Manager for the California Digital Library’s research data management initiatives, including DMPTool, the FAIR Island Project, and the NSF-funded machine-actionable DMP grant project. Before joining CDL, Maria was a Program Manager in the Web Archiving and Data Services group at the Internet Archive.