Infusing A Growth Mindset Culture Throughout Your Courses (Workshop - Center for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning) #12174

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Mindset culture refers to the degree to which values, norms, policies, and practices in an environment signal that ability can be improved over time with effort and feedback (growth mindset culture) or is stable and fixed from birth (fixed mindset culture). Instructors convey their courses’ mindset culture through their teaching practices, policies, and implicit and explicit messages. This mindset culture then impacts student engagement and learning. This workshop invites instructors to think more intentionally about the mindset culture of their courses. We will focus on crafting messages that contribute to a growth mindset culture at key points in a course. These key points include at the beginning of the course, before important exams or assignments, when providing feedback on student performance, and at the end of the semester. We will also discuss messaging pitfalls that can unintentionally decrease student engagement and motivation. NOTE: This workshop is based on resources created by the College Transition Collaborative and will be open to instructors from other Ohio colleges and universities through the Ohio College Teaching Consortium (OCTC).  

By the end of this workshop, participants will be able to:
  • Describe the characteristics and significance of a growth mindset culture
  • Recognize key points in a course where it is important to reinforce a growth mindset culture
  • Create messages that contribute to a growth mindset culture in a postsecondary course 

Course Details

Wednesday, April 19, 2023
From 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM
Beth Faller,Kimber Andrews