Cultivating Resilience In Learning (Workshop - Center for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning) #124742

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In this virtual workshop, we will explore incorporating strategies for building resiliency throughout the learning process and helping students expand their capacity for working with setbacks and challenges. The workshop will include an overview of the key components of resiliency including prioritizing progress over perfection, reframing setbacks as growth, and incorporating self-reflection into the learning process. Strategies for incorporating resiliency practices into your courses will be provided and workshop attendees will have opportunities to practice skills in reframing and applying a growth mindset into designing assessments, providing feedback on student work, and creating opportunities for individual reflection.

By the end of the workshop, participants will:

Define and provide examples of resiliency within the context of a college course
Identify classroom practices that cultivate resiliency and prioritize progress over perfection
Apply strategies aimed at building resiliency to case study examples
Select relevant strategies and approaches to apply to your own teaching

Course Details

Tuesday, March 25, 2025
From 2:00 PM to 3:30 PM
Kimber Andrews
Zoom link: