The Process Of Tilting An Assignment: Choosing, Creating, And Evaluating (Workshop - Center for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning) #12829

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Do you have an assignment that you think is critical to your course but generates groans and complaints from your students because they don’t understand its’ importance?  If so, the Transparency in Teaching and Learning (TILT) Framework could be the solution to your problem!  This teaching method increases transparency in the classroom and helps students understand the rationale behind how and why your assignment structure was chosen and how it will benefit them.  It has been shown to increase students’ confidence, belonging, retention, and metacognitive awareness. In this workshop, the TILT framework will be defined. No previous experience is necessary.  The presenter’s experience with creating and evaluating a TILTed assignment will be shared, and participants will begin to work through a similar process with one of their assignments.

This workshop will be facilitated by Melinda Greer, Associate Professor of Chemistry UC Blue Ash College. This workshop is part of the Transparency in Learning and Teaching (TILT) showcase highlighting instructors who have incorporated TILT into their teaching.

By the end of this workshop, participants will be able to:

1)Identify an assignment well-suited for the TILT process,

2)Use the Transparent Assignment Design Template to begin TILTing their assignment

3)Consider how they might evaluate the effectiveness of their TILTed assignment

Course Details

Tuesday, April 8, 2025
From 1:00 PM to 2:30 PM
Melinda Greer,Anna Donnell
CET&L - Langsam Library
2911 Woodside Drive
Room 480
Cincinnati, Ohio 45221
United States
CET&L Room 480C
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